The Kamchatka Independent Ecological Group

On November 1, 1996 the Kamchatka Independent Ecological Group was created with the support of ISAR's Russian Far East Program Office.

The aims of our Group are: assisting in the establishment of realistic, rational nature management policies in the Kamchatka region and increasing the standard of living of local peoples while maintaining a protective attitude toward nature.

Two active volcanoes loom over Petropavlovsk, the largest city in Kamchatka.

The tasks of the Group are:

  • To conduct independent ecological evaluations and environmental observations
  • To elicit the sources of pollution and to construct methods of dealing with it.
  • To assist in the training, education and consultation of the public on environmental questions
  • To publish ecological information in the mass media
  • To protect the public's right to a healthy and safe environment
  • To study the geochemical processes in the modern volcanic regions and the effects of this on human activity in the area.
  • To organize youth ecological and scientific exchanges both internationally and within Russia.
  • To create competitions, seminars, conferences, symposiums,summer ecological schools and camps, and expeditions.

  • The base of the Group was formed from scientists of Kamchatka`s Scientific Center (volcanologists, geologists, biologists and so on).

    Our current projects are:

  • Heat and salt balances as a reflection of the state of a volcano.
  • Regime of Karymsky Lake (a fresh-water caldera lake) in connection with the submarine eruption.

  • What's new at this site?

    We are always eager to include knowledgable colleagues in our work, so if anything you have seen here has piqued your scientific interest, you can contact our group leader, volcanologist Sergei Fazlullin or our colleague in the USA, Andrew Logan, for more information.

    Help support our work!